
current life status

i've had a cold since tuesday- that means a) my throat is on fire & b). i can't breathe thru my nose.  i'm also sleep deprived from staying up late to complete the apartment projects... which isn't helping my cause.  (BUT THE APT. LOOKS UH-MAZING!!)  my husband & my best friend are browsing bookshelves at the local book shoppe while i'm stuck at work for another hour. but i've gotta say: life is just so dang good!

i picked up my best friend from the airport this morning.  by morning, i really mean the.crack.of.dawn. -no really i was driving at 5-something this a.m. & even tho i have driven to the orlando airport many times i got super lost.  i may or may not have missed an exit somewhere.  anyway i ended up bypassing the usual tollbooths & only paying like $2.75 vs. the usual $6, so "the scenic route" ended up working out in my favor.  not in ash's however.  i made her wait outside the baggage claim way longer than she should've had to wait (my bad bestie!) 

we had Terminal B to ourselves & we took full advantage: screaming & hugging & pinching each other- "is it really you!?"  such.a.great.moment.  i felt like i took a breath of fresh air. like i could breathe better (tho methaphorically- not physically, thx to this cold, ha).  having my bestest girl friend by my side feels like such a relief.

taking her luggage up to the apt. & getting her settled into her bedroom felt soooo wonderful.  i think she should just stay. like permanently.  anyway i'm going to enjoy every minute til thursday.

pix to come soon of the 2 new guest rooms.  many many many many many thanks go to the husband.  he put in more hours then i did, painting & such.  he called me pathetic cos i kept dribbling on the carpet.  (i'm a really efficient scrubber tho- all we had was oxyclean laundry stain remover.  worked pretty well actually)  + his arms are a little longer.  he also built the new bookshelf.  which we already had until he came into the bedroom the other day & said: "do you want the good news or the bad news?"  i said: "um, both please."  he said: "well, you're getting a new bookself b/c.......... i just busted the old one."  haha, i burst out laughing when he told me. i had no attachment whatsoever to the old one so i was rather excited that i'd get a new one.  anyway he built it. duh. i am so not efficient when it comes to drills & nails.  & he installed the shelves in our living room. & he's installed all 4 new curtain rods that are now in our place.  (we LOVE the dark!!! or rather... the ability to darken a space if we so desire maybe & also theres the whole walking around nekkid without giving the neighbors a show)  i am moving up in the world tho... i totally unscrewed all the switch plates all by myself & i'm a master taper.  & i rolled paint on every surface within in my reach (well not really, but it's something i can do to attempt to be helpful).  & i put up the adhesive chandelier at 2 something this a.m. (when i couldn't sleep because helllloo... ashlee was coming in like... 4 hours!!!)  so yah, basically i did nothing, i'm just trying to make myself feel better.  zane is the best husband ever.  it's so sexy that he's so good at doing all these things.  i'm so proud of him because he can fix like anything, & i know if he doesn't know how he has this eagerness to learn whatever it is he needs to.  anyway, that was my little cheer speech for my lover.  you rock babe! 

i put in some "excrutiating" hours at the antique store... & by excrutiating i really mean exhilarating!!!!  i had so much fun yesterday afternoon browsing my favorite antique store in holly hill picking out knick knacks for the guest bedroom to add charm & character.  i got some sweeeeeet treasures.  pics are coming eventually.  i let ash pick which bedroom she wanted, i secretly picked out which one i thought she'd choose.  my personal favorite of the two... & she did.  & it's the one with the cool knick knacks from the antique store. 

anyway this has gone on quite awhile.  i am super bored & super happy with my life.  apparently that means i have a lot to say!

i feel strong & free & content.  yay!


  1. WOW. So guess where I am? GEORGIA. WITH YOU. Wow. :) Its just about all I can say. ;) So I'm thinking this current life status of your should stay put. Besides the whole throat on fire, can't breathe thru the nose, sleep deprived thing. I would love for that to go away for your sake.

    I'm going to say a huge THANKS already cuz even though we've both had a super fun time being sick and all..this trip has been amazing thus far. Unfortunately helps me anticipate how much I'm going to miss you two when I leave in T-1 minus-TOO SOON-hours.

    And people..(by people I mean whoever is reading this blog/comment) I can say first hand...The "Home sweet Apartment" & all it's sweet new touches from the hard work Z&A have put into it--- looks absolutely amazing in person. Especially with the two incredible people & their dogs who reside there. Love 'em. <3

  2. Wow, I can hardly wait to see the "UHMAZING" things you have done to your condo...so happy you are finally feeling good enough to do it...wondered when the day would come for such things, and hooray...it finally happened! Looking forward to seeing the pictures you're gonna post and everything else. So homey, I can imagine with those sweet dogs and your bestest friend else, what more could you ask for! love ya, mama
