
dog update

so we finally got the call we've been waiting for, the call to set up the appointment for the home visit to see if we qualify as doggie parentals.  & we found out that she will be bringing two of flo's roomies: sal & hutch. 

so if we're approved, the dogs will get to stay with us.  no no, we won't be keeping all three.  not sure yet which two will stay.  flo & one of the boys tho=)

so excited!  zane is shopping right now for important doggies things like food & leashes & such.

meet flo: 9.5 year old girl.  soon to be june carter cash-rathbun
meet sal: thought to be 4 or 5 years old.   soon to be johnny cash rathbun
sal picture #2.  aww...

so pix of hutch wouldn't download.  is that a sign? 


  1. awwwwwwww sweet...thanks for the update...you had me so curious. Maybe Hutch is the one you will fall in love with....is that a sign?................just a thought :-) Let me know whatcha find out. So cute.

  2. Cuuuute!! I'm happy for your little family:)
