
Day 3

Day 3- our last chance to see whatever we thought we wouldn't want to miss before we left. 
So i bit it hardcore.  Zane's first words are not "oh baby, are you ok?!" Oh noo... you know what his first words are?  "HAHAH- honey I caught it on camera!"
The southern most house.
look at these two nerdy tourists...
This picture makes me smile.  I remember how overcome with love I was for my husband when I took this photo.  It was one of those waves of pure love that just washes over you for no particular reason, and i just couldn't resist squeezing his cheeks & telling him what a cutie bootie he is.
Bobalu's Cafe. GINORMOUS portions- yummy comfort food.


  1. Oh man!!! The falling picture is hilarious! So glad you're okay and all, but I can see why Zane was so stoked to get it on film! :)

  2. Ouch to the fall! What a "nice" guy to the photographer, and what a very COOL tree!!
