
An ode to my love

On Sunday he turns 23.

It will be the 5th birthday we’ve shared together now as ‘lover’ & ‘lovee’ & tho he’s been my man for all of these past five birthdays, it’s been in these past 365 days that I’ve seen him really grow into his role as The Man, more so than any other year before. (And not just because you can officially grow a legitimate moustache!)

It makes my heart want to burst with pride to see him so comfortable in this role he was born for. (Plus I happen to know the cost that he’s paid for it- and it wasn’t cheap).

This man shows me unconditional love by staying true to his vows "for better or for worse." He showed me that even when we hit rock bottom that we can come back stronger than ever. He shows me what safe arms feel like when my heart is too heavy to carry on my own. This man goes to bat for his family when it feels like it’s us against the world. This man understands my limitations when I tell him I just can’t. He is the warm body that is almost impossible to peel away from every morning when my work day starts before his. His is the cheek that I want to make-out with when he’s sound asleep & I have to say goodbye. He has the voice I want to hear on the other end of the line. He’s the man that brings me lunch when I haven’t eaten all day & I can’t leave work. He’s the one that takes the dogs out when I deem that it’s too dark & scary (& ‘snake-y’) to go out on my own. He’s the handyman that puts together my bookshelves & hangs my pictures, even when he’s tired from working all day. He’s the one that laughs at all the same things I laugh at (like certain unfortunate accidents involving segweys). He’s the one that I want to have all my adventures with, and any new experience doesn’t feel complete until he’s tried it too. He’s the only man I want to discuss baby names & house designs with.

It was a tough year, but thanks for helping us be tougher.  You're my favorite. 


  1. Happy birthday Zane! Hope you guys have fun celebrating together!

  2. What a sweet letter to your man!! Happy Birthday Zane!

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Sweet letter to your man. He's good to you, you're good to him...it takes a lot of work, but it's so worth it. Just keep hanging in there! The hard experiences just can make us come forth a much stronger person. Love you both!

  4. A A A H H H H! What a beautiful letter to your # ONE MAN!

    On a side note, Anna I think you should take up freelance writing. Maybe you could write notes/letters for people that are too tired, too lazy, too busy, too insensitive, too whatever, or don't even KNOW HOW to say it but would R E A L L Y like to "SAY IT WRITE/RIGHT". I think people would pay "BIG BUCKS" for the expertise of your pen! You know, maybe like a "Dear Anna" column, or something!

  5. you cracked me up martine- that is a huge compliment. thx for your faith in me. lol. part of me wants a future in writing, but part of me thinks its silly to think along those lines. so we'll just wait & see.
