
adoro la biblioteca

how do i love thee? let me count the ways... just thinking about my library -a place that makes me smile. a place that i can put on some big old skool headphones & just escape for a minute. my heart does a little leap everytime i see a book i've been wanting to read just waiting for me on the shelf. it's a sancturary on a rainy day during spring break - i find myself feeling the innocent rise of excitement inside my chest when i see all these kids book that i want to check out & read to evie, books that make me think of my childhood -amelia bedelia, junie b. jones & dr. suess & so many others... smiling to myself when i realize i'm totally trying to sell evie on a book that i want to read & she clearly has no interest in... spending a precious hour with aidan on my lap during story time for toddlers every wednesday morning- the only time i get to 'make' him sit on nana's lap. feeling my heart swell with pride when i see my little man behaving like such a big boy. laughing everytime he shouts "one more!" & holds up one finger after every song we sing & every book we read together. a place that i get to reserve some computer time just for me after work- catch up on emails- check my friends blogs & whatever else i want to do because we still don't have a computer at home... being able to order the whole twilight series - teaching me & zane patience as we wait for the next one to be available... being able to devour it & not spend a penny... coveting an intriguing read at the book store but not wanting to pay $22.50 & finding it for free at the library... i love these good feelings.


  1. I love the library, too!!! But I actually like my "little"library in my home best!! I love going to Goodwill, too and getting books for $1.99!!! I just picked up a hardback book I was wanting to read for really cheap there!!

    We're having spring weather; rainy, snowy, sleeting, hailing, etc....so, it feels like a day to sit in front of the fire with a great book and a nice cup of hot tea!!!

  2. I wish I experienced the same library. My library means homework, research and way too much time and work. Trade ya!

  3. With Nadia on my lap, I'll attempt a little comment here...she's playing with all the little plastic animals from the toybox. 2 horses, 2 ducks, 2 dinosaurs, a bull and a turkey and a dog! They certainly are keeping her entertained. She/they like to be read to...read two stories to them this a.m. Daniel got The Twilight Series book #4 from the library yesterday after a week's wait...it's over 700 pages and he has two weeks to read it (before we leave)...isn't it great to have a library to go to and it's all for "free"....love ya, mama

  4. Sounds...Dreamy. :) "dreamy" is the new descriptor word in my house--Sarah's contribution. I love bookstores, the library..something about the environment. The other night I went to the bookstore by myself and spent 3 hours just browsing through books. Seee I did do something on my break besides study :). Your post makes me want my own library...someday
