
sunday afternoon: part I

a mother's day bouquet from my sweet sweet man

Gladys is 90-years-old. We meet in her home every wednesday night at 6:30 for bible study & we visit her every sunday after meeting. I'm ashamed to say I didn't appreciate her like i should have when we first moved to Florida - but i'm thankful for a renewed perspective of what is truly important. She is one tough cookie- hasn't had what you'd call an easy life- she battles with very painful rhuematoid arthiritis but you'll never hear her complain. She might tell you she's not feeling as much "oomph" as she once did, but that's about it & she swears by her olive oil extract that she takes every morning. She's never been further than Mississipi & Georgia in all her 90-years of life. She hasn't been able to get to meetings for years except for the one in her home on wednesday nights- & she can't hear anything any of us say- all 4 of us, but she says she feels the spirit. Just to carry a conversation with her you have to yell & even then she won't catch it all. Yet she'll tell you over & over that she doesn't understand why people feel sorry for her- she said people don't realize how good the Lord has been to her. Just feeling thankful for the chance to meet this encouraging woman & walk with her for awhile.


  1. I'm so happy to you've made a committment to get to know Gladys better and to spend more time with her...it's not always the funnest thing we could choose to do, but it is truly rewarding and I'm thankful you've chosen to do this.

  2. Everyone should be so fortunate as to have a Gladys in their lives. We are enriched from such friendships far beyond their durations.
