
i like the way this is heading...

friday & saturday...

a few precious moments reserved just for me. fingers wrapped around a luke warm cup of minty herbal tea in my favorite mug - the chunky ceramic one painted in bold shades of all the primary colors. extra salty air filling my nostrils to remind me of my beautiful surroundings - especially welcoming after losing this particular sense during a recent cold. time to just sit & think quietly alone with my thoughts before a chaotic day waiting for me. the minty tingle of my tea lingering on my lips. the suns reflection dancing on the surface of the ocean - so bright i have to squint to see. being reminded again that it's better to give than to receive, wondering why i let myself forget this. thankful for feelings of fresh determination to be stronger then last time- grateful for the clean slate we get each new day. smiling when i think about a recent sweet moment my dad had with nadia - liking the thought of him being a grandpa-in-training. enjoying the togetherness zane & i shared last night. being snap-happy - the result of prolonged time without my camera - fresh sliced avocado on grilled turkey burgers- a perfect combination - acoustic guitar + new tunes that remind me of my best friend - an intimate setting perfect for conversation with fellow flagler beach residents - some particularly strange ones that amuse me - like the 60-something couple -she with a cleopatra hair cut & make-up who are going sasquatch hunting in oregon this summer. feeling connected to the couple who sit at my table from alaska - sharing stories of our love for this side of the united states. a new coffee news to read. quizzing each other with trivial pursuit trivia - trying blended chai for the first time - my new summer drink indeed - a cool evening - perfect for snuggling with roxy on our hammock & staring at the moon. mmm.. a nice start to our weekend for sure.


  1. Sasquatch hunting...still just cracks me up. Ah. I need to tell you about my night and the lovely start to my weekend :P. Interesting to say the least. But anyway, isn't there just somethin unique about getting involved in something local...It sounds fun. Blended Chai? Never tried it, but I'm not a big chai person. Do you like hot Chai? :) Sounds like a lovely weekend indeed.

  2. Thanks for sharing about your past couple days and that the music at the coffee shop was just what the doctor ordered! It's fun to "connect" with fellow-towners...those that are there because they love to be there! The Avacado/turkey burgers sounded great, and blended chai...I'll have to try...loved your thoughts as always...yer' mama
