
a happy friday

a big sleepy bear hug from my husband - pretty much the best way to start the day!

waking up early two-days in a row- a challenge i am working to overcome - no rushing thru my morning - there is time to accomplish it all.

i didn't fly off the handle at my neighbor when her boy's bikes are laying in the middle of the driveway for 15-millionth time. i knocked gently - even tho my heart was racing from frustration i managed to keep my voice even & even delivered a smile & complimented her hair. this was a giant step for me. i admit - i need a ton of work on this type of thing- this whole thing of having a soft answer & being slow to wrath - but i'll take a small victory where i can.

i also kept my cool when a massive RV pulled in front of me & chugged along at 20 mph in a 45 mph zone. i passed him & forced my eyes straight ahead- no glares & dirty looks like i have possibly given before.

strollered aidan around the farmers market in downtown flagler -purchased a big fat juicy locally grown watermelon for $5! a pound of sweet georgia peaches - fresh squeezed (like as in the night before!) orange juice - pure! nothing added & absolutely to die for - the kettle corn zane requested... enjoying samples along the way - cantaloupe - watermelon - valencia oranges = happy baby. then we stopped at the humane society tent & it went downhill from there. i am ridiculoulsy emotional these days. andy & henry were there today - waiting to be adopted & i lost it. my eyes welled up with tears as i petted these precious creatures. andy was 'the lovebucket' & henry was the 'old pup' - my heart is still feeling broken to leave them behind. i even sacrificed the $5 cash i had left that was supposed to be for zane's jordan almonds - but i had to give it to the humane society to relieve some of the guilt for not taking andy & henry home.

my heart felt mended when we came home to see mama had bought a baby kitten today - seeing aidan be gentle & lovin on 'lettuce-the-kitty' was one of the most precious things i've ever seen.

a blank schedule this afternoon - ready to relax & enjoy myself some sunshine...


  1. Oooooh eeeeeeee I was picturing all this when you were telling me this on the telephone but thanks for filling in the details...wished I could of been at the farmer's market with you...

    Glad you're trying to be patient and hope the emotional days will pass as I know they will. So they got a new kittie...maybe that would take the place of those sweet little pups you had to leave behind... love ya, mama

  2. Right on for working on the patience/slow to wrath thing...I could definitely work on that too!

    I definitely feel ya about the animal deal...I am the same way...On the way home today, there were two roadrunners going across the street with their tiny adorable little babies and the babies stopped right in front of us so we slammed on the breaks...they were confused for awhile, but then the mom and dad came back and got them - so glad we didn't hit them!
