
hooked on a feeling

i fell asleep to rain & woke up to more rain- take a guess at how this is affecting my mood... i'll give you a hint - i'm smiling. & it shows no sign of stopping - the word monsoon is being thrown around- it's in the forecast all week long. que bueno! the grey skies bring me ridiculous joy. it makes me feel like i'm having the smoothest of days- everything just seems to flow. things that would make me smile on a sunny day make me smile that much wider on a grey day. like aidan & his rubber boots holding the namless kitty. names like frances & gracie are at the top of the list. maybe opal - pearl - harriet & mabel. i adore old-fashioned names! listening to frogs outside the library. aidan leaning his head on my shoulder just because. sharing coffee & apple juice at starbucks together. eating mac & cheese while watching the rain - catching up with ash finally - an unexpected break maybe even allowing for an afternoon nap? organizing appointments. chatting with mama. life is so good.


  1. ahhhhhhh, I love the rain - you lucky duck! Last night we had lots of thunder and lightning and wind...it was awesome, but I was still missing the rain! as a bonus it DID smell like rain which made feel nostaligic

  2. Isn't it amazin' how different kinds of weather can affect different people so differently??? I love the rain on occasion and a couple days ago it was kinda (sorta) cloudy & a bit windy and I mentioned to dad that to just look outside at the weather you would expect something different (like a cool, soon-to-be, rainy day) not 109 degrees!!! Like a blast furnace when you step outside! glad you got to enjoy the rain...come here during monsoon and you'll get rain too--July/August/September. Love ya mama
