
i like the way i feel

today everything felt harmonic. like the stars all aligned just for me. if i believed that anyway. discovering vanilla-caramel french toast on the daily special board was how i began my working day. french toast is my favorite breakfast food & this particular french toast is wickedly tasty. made-from-scratch-batter-homemade whip-cream-crushed almonds with vanilla & caramel syrup drizzled on top- need i say more? i found a few rare moments to lose myself in my thoughts while rolling night-time silverware listening to jimmy buffet tunes drift from the stage in the middle of the village. after a chaotic morning it felt good to be mindful of how delicious a few stolen moments felt instead of letting my brain become a pile of mush until the next rush comes... & jimmy buffet always fills me up with good vibes because he reminds me of roadtrips with my family which = good memories. speaking my broken spanish with obi always makes my saturdays- he lets me speak more spanish than any other hispanic person i have ever met. (not that he has a choice... his english is very limited but still! he doesn't have to be patient with me & he is!) & conversating in spanish is more thrilling to me than i can express! & then i felt peculiarly in touch with my girly side today. i found myself getting energized from conversations between my fellow co-workers & customers. free-flowing discussions on very gender-specific subject-matter. feeling a bond that isn't usually there. hiding a secret smile when larry's usual shenangians backfire on him. he is your straight-out-of-a-movie-staten-island-in-your-face-new-yorker & if you don't understand him he can be very offensive. (& if you do know him- you put up with his foolishness because he is a big bag of sugar underneath his gruff exterior). so when he yelled at me in front of some customers- they were appalled at his behavior & left the restaurant & larry had to apologize to me- it felt like instant gratification. the first time that has ever happened in the past 27-months i have worked there & getting the last laugh for once feels great. setting a couple up with menus & silverware- asking them how they are doing... they say "good & how am i?" i knew they were just being engaging in polite conversation but i took a moment to actually think before i answered & i said "you know i really can't complain- life is good" & they smiled & said "ya- it doesn't do much to complain anyway does it?" amen to that. a slow afternoon by myself afforded me the freedom to text my best friend while rolling more silverware. summer-time is our slow season so our mid-80 temps & 55% humidity means quiet lulls thru-out my day to collect my thoughts & "re-group". money is not motivating my day today & i feel good about that.


  1. Vanilla-carmel french toast..sounds intense!!! I want to experience it! :) You know I haven't had french toast in SO long...need to fix that.
    Thats fun that you get to practice a little spanish..there's just Something about speaking in another language..makes fluency in a 2nd language feel so necessary.
    YES! a little humbling experience for larry maybe? :)
    Glad you were able to enjoy your slow day... sometimes they aren't so easy to enjoy you know? I really like my calendar today it says: Do absolutely nothing--Just sit still.

    Love & hugs! xoxo

  2. I commented on this, but it's not here - BUT french toast is my favorite too! And this sounds exceptionally delicious! And as for Larry - I had to lol...what comes around goes around!
