
grey's anatomy

i kind of love this show. it's attachments to seattle are totally irrelevant............ =-)  watched a particularly wonderful episode this weekend from season 5. 

meredith freaking out pre-meeting derek's mom: "no, mother's don't love me, mothers like bright & bubbly & happy &...."

derek: "you're wearing an alarmingly high pony tail."
meredith: "yah, b/c your mother is coming"

meredith after fake introduction to derek's mom: "so it's only fair you should know.... the pink and the pony tail and the smiling with the teeth? i'm a fraud, it's fake.  i'm not the kind of girl that mothers like. i'm not happy & bubbly.  i'm dark & cloudy."

derek's mom to derek: "you see things in black & white, meredith doesn't. you need a spoonful of that."

i felt like i could relate so much.  i am dark & cloudy.  & zane is black & white. & i'm his spoonful of grey.  i like things that explain the way things are in my life. it makes me feel normal & like i make sense, at least to someone.  =-)


  1. Malia LOVES Grays Anatomy...she gets the re-runs on the computer...she's always checking them out...it like her favorite.. like sister like sister :-)

  2. ahh I liked that episode! :) Thanks for helping me remember it. Love your description that you're the spoonful of grey to Zane's black & white.

  3. ummm yes!!! i have a secret LOVE for that show!!! for some odd reason i cant wait till friday to watch it!

  4. I have a love/hate thing going with that show!! But I still watch it... :)
