
i'm a working girl!

what a long road it has been! two months of unemployment, 30-plus apps & 5 interviews later...i finally have a job!  my first day was yesterday.  i came home positively buzzing from my shift last night. it feels so good to be busy & helpful. & it helps to be training with the most intriguing of characters.... meet ron, he is 73 years of age & he use to work on death row with the pyscho people- analyzing them & all that fun stuff. this guy use to chat with ted bundy on a regular basis!!!  we spent 7-hours together, so between him showing me the ropes at the fitness club, i got to hear all kinds of stories.  anyway yesterday was all about training on the floor... which involves a lot of cleaning & giving orientations on all the equipment to new members.  since my knowledge is slightly lacking at the moment, ron just let me show this one man how to use the treadmill.  i felt so important!  & let me tell you, it can be quite a complex procedure for an old man.  they were making fun of me because i was demonstrating where you can place your hands so that the machine can measure your heart-rate.  & so my heart happened to be racing & they were like woah, your heart rate is really fast- i was like, i knooow! y'all are making me nervous!!  let me tell you about this cute old man that i got to teach proper treadmill usage to... he has rhuematoid arthiritis thru-out his whole body (= serious pain) & his wife has alzheimers & barely recognizes him anymore & this man comes and cranks out reps on these machines, even tho he can all but wrap his fingers around the bar & i just want to squeeze him & be his own personal cheerleader because i'm so proud of him for doing this for himself!  i'm so excited that i get to help people that want to help themselves!!


  1. Yay!!!! I'm so happy for you...glad your first day of training was fun and rewarding and that you enjoyed it! Interesting about the guy you worked with, sounds like he has lots of interesting stories. Have a great convention...thinking of ya...

  2. Yay, yay, yay!! That is so exciting and it sounds like you'll meet a lot of interesting people! :) I really am going to call you one of these days! After convention, now! Have a nice time!

  3. Congratulations on the new job! Doesn't it feel just great being able to help someone?

  4. That job sounds like a perfect fit for you, Anna!

  5. SO SO excited for you and proud :) Can't wait to hear more.

  6. That is awesome!! You will meet more interesting people at the gym. When I worked there we had this old man come in... The previous year his wife had died and he'd gotten skin cancer so what did he do? He joined the gym!! Amazing people for sure.
