
um, duh!

i just realized something really obvious about myself. someone was saying it about themselves & i had one of those "oh! oh! ME TOO!" moments.  one of those "thank-you-for-putting-into-words-the-way-i-feel" type moments.  i am not a private person.  there, i said it. there is something painful about keeping things locked inside of me, something that just makes it feel like i'm being dishonest, & it's yucky.  & then i realized that i. need. to. talk. to. people. even if it's not totally appropriate, i just have to process it out loud with my people.  so thank you for being my people sometimes. & letting me talk myself thru my life & figure it all out.  it's helpful. 


  1. I'm glad you do TALK...you get that from your mama...Dad put it appropriately the other day....he said something to the effect of "women just need to talk a lot more than men do and sometimes it can get them in trouble..." (Not verbatim...but you get the gist =D)
    I said that yes, I know I sure do need to talk...it's just ME...so keep talkin' honey...it keeps us SANE!

  2. I have been thinking alot about this lately. Someone told me awhile ago that I am a private person. I didn't realize it. I have yet to come to terms with whether it is true or not. Because I feel similar in that I need to be completely open. and I need to talk myself thru life. Really appreciate you sharing this. Love you.
