
the weekend

this past weekend was full of surprises:  no work. unplanned visitors. logging beach hours- feeling the burn of the salt in my eyes & the back of my throat. a few heart-to-hearts & roller-coaster emotions. a bicycle garage sale purchase. facing down fears....

one particular experience found me rolling with the waves. for hours. something i never thought i'd be able to do.  one particular wave unleashed it's fury on me & body slammed me into the sand & when i finally came up for air, austin said: "it's kind of a cool feeling tho isn't it?" i kind of laughed it off but secretly thought he must be pyscho.  but as i was driving over the bridge this morning & i was staring at these big black clouds overhead, tall as any skyscraper- i realized my heart felt like it was being inflated with all these feelings of awe & respect for creation & then i thought: it IS kind of cool.  i realized then that it feels good to feel my smallness.  i like to feel the power of something so much bigger than i am. & tho the sea may toss me around like a rag-doll more times than it doesn't- there are those few moments where you catch the top of a wave & let it carry you down & you feel like you must be on the top of the world, even just for a few fleeting seconds.

& there is something to be said about the beautiful sound sleep that follows a day of sun, salt & sea. & spending a lazy morning with food & fellowship & a good friend, feeling thankful to witness another sunrise...

1 comment:

  1. I was picturing you riding the waves and remembering when I was younger, doing the same thing when I lived in Hawaii...it was such a carefree wonderful feeling...UNTIL I almost drowned...then it brought me back to reality and I hate to admit it, but I'm scared to death of the ocean...because of it's awesome POWER...it's way stronger than me...so, I'm content to LOOK at it's beauty and even get my feet wet (sometimes), but thats where it stays...The power of the ocean is a secret fear of mine...
