
monday nite

we had the most generous host & hostess.  they made us tuna steaks with pickled ginger & lemon juice.  and that was just the app!   i had to lie about the enormous mashed potato bowl from KFC that i'd had like two-hours before.  mahi mahi & snapper, scallops, asapargus & sweet potatoes were served at the main course.  we had stinky breath & stinky pee on the same night. wow.  & we washed it all down with yummy root beer.  i'd never had tuna not in a can. i didn't think i'd like it rare, but i was pleasantly surprised.  it was dee-lish!  me & sarah didn't like the scallops tho.  no no.  zane & terry talked car washes.  go figure they'd have that of all things in common.  me & sarah picked up where we left off.  we met at juneau convention when we were in 6th grade. we'd bonded over our sticker collection if you're wondering.  i visited her one summer in wisconsin.  she'd visited me twice in washington.  phone conversations kept us up to date on the particulars of each other's lives in between visits.  i sure do love her. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow...looks yummy...Thanks for sharing this. Now tell me, was this prepared by Sarah & Terry in the condo? OR, at an actual restaurant there? I didn't really understand. Sounds like yummy food. I like scallops, but were these just not good scallops or were they fixed funny-like or what. I'm with you on the "rare-like" tuna...one time at a restaurant I ordered the "ahi tuna" and didn't know it came "rare" and I ended-up sending it back to be cooked longer...but it was great after it was cooked a little more. that's funny about the "sticker" collection...I'm surprised you didn't talk about your chapstick collection! ha ha
