
sunday afternoon

we had an appointment with julian.  this time i came equipped with our camera to take some pix of her beautiful house.  i was too chicken to ask to take pix inside, except when i used her bathroom.  i also snapped a picture of the holly hill gnomes. creepy & quirky & cool all at the same time.  we had an afternoon thunderstorm.  where oh where is spring?  our session was sooo great.  i feel like we made more progress on some issues that are looming over our heads.  she makes me feel so good.  she makes me feel positive & excited & inspired to take on the future.  she reminded me that as important as it is to try to be present in the moment, it's also important to have some short term goals for the next 6 months to a year, so that the daily grind of life doesn't feel overwhelming on the hard days, and the days where you don't feel motivated to do anything that you can remind yourself of what you are working toward.  she gave us the pep talk we needed & the extra push we needed to carry out an adult conversation in our near future.  she reminded us that it doesn't matter if nobody supports us because if they can't accept what is best for our marriage then we don't need their support anyway.  she loved our idea of rescuing two daschunds.  & she even let us borrow one of her dvds, a season of the dog whisperer with cesar millan, who is a renowned dog behavior specialist.  so we watched it all afternoon & it made us feel even more excited about becoming doggy parentals. she also gave us some financial tips & made us feel on top of our financial game. she told me i need to stop buying clothes. zane enjoyed that.  the truth hurts.  she is a fan of suze orman (sp?) so we have intentions of doing some research before our next session in a couple weeks!  she is the best.  a cheerleader/advice giver/financial advisor/sympathizer all in one! 

check out the mini wooden door!
zane made me smile when i came back to the car he said: "wouldn't it be cool if the kids (he means evie & aidan) were here so they could run down the dock & we could snap a picture while the birds took flight?"  i love it when he shares some of his creativity with me.  (there were more birds then this picture shows- dozens were sitting on the railing)  it would have been cool indeed.
this is the neighbors house, it is beautiful too.
this is up the street.  the whole neighborhood is awesome.


  1. Cool house! I would love to see it. But do I have to lay on the couch in order to get in? Maybe she could help with the fascination of reporting???

  2. Ha! I love your sneeky pics of the bathroom, that's too funny.

    Isn't it wonderful when we can be able to talk about difficult things we have to face in life but come away not feeling like it's completely beyond us, but feeling positive and hopeful?

    Major, MAJOR kudos on rescuing Evie & Aidan. Dachshunds are by far the best!!

    Tami & Darren are similar in the way that they enjoy sharing in their creativity. It's fun to watch/read/see. That was always what was the best part of being in a band, everybody contributing their creative thoughts and sounds, so it must be special to do that in even the slightest way with your spouse.

    Cheering you both on!

  3. What a COOL place...so glad you took some pictures...since I love to visualize WHAT and WHERE my kids are and go! :-) I really like Julian's house and the surroundings! It's old but very classy and neat and tidy (my style). Thanks for sneaking the couple pictures inside too! :-) Also, the dvds about the dog whisperer...I haven't seen any of them but dad has watched some of the different episodes...he seems to like them...cuz he asked me if I had ever seen any and that I should watch some with him sometime!

  4. omywoooord, sounds like I need this lady in my life.

    pretty pictures.
